Chronicles of the Desperate MeasuresMission Florn, Part 4
Good Ribbing had all around.
Somehow, we managed to get back to the pyramid, and—get this—go deeper into the creepy Sith temple. The group had to split up and people started acting weird. Jaris tweaked his tool for Jess, maybe this time she won’t get shot. Wait, no, too late. After the temple or the dark side or whatever messed with our heads, Jaris put leashes on us like little kids too naughty to pay attention. Kinky if you ask me. I mean if he wanted to tie us up—naw, not going to finish that thought. Note to self: experiment with ropes sometime. Of course, the moment the General, the troopers and the Mando were away from our group they start firing at each other. Not sure why. I think it had to do something with a helmet. Candy found a red glowing pretty that grew legs and ran away. Jaris and the general say the red pyramid artifact payday is evil. But I have no idea what that means. A murderous gadget can also describe a blaster so… We do know that Mandragore is a man of monosyllables and action. Jarvis negates my stealth and Snidely and I make an awesome team. The others aren’t bad either. After we shut down planet wide communications and the General sheds some light in the darkness, negotiations with HK go well—but we were looking to blow shit up. Troopers weren’t happy. Jaris wasn’t happy. And, yet again, in cadence of our jedi leader, the troopers can’t stealth past a bunch of droids in the dark. Mando has some computer skills. I wonder if he’s staying. After the General and Jaris have a hissy fit about not blowing up the pyramid Jaris starts swiping as much crap as he can get. Info… robot parts… Yes, Snidely is still intact. I have no idea why everyone gets upset at me for taking an artifact. Some lonely archeologist is going to be sad I didn’t bring it back with us. The troopers were sad they didn’t get to use their explosives. Especially after HK sent his whole family after us. I’m sad the red glowy pyramid is gone from my backpack after getting back to the ship. Might be time to learn about dark side glowy things. Jaris spends part of the hyperspace jump after their first mission borrowing parts from around the ship including dragging the mattress from one of the rooms, a tarp, and various knick-knacks to section off part of the engine room to serve as his sleeping quarters near the starboard wall of the engine room. A sign is placed outside a door he set up that reads "Knock before entering" however in much smaller sub text below that it also read "Yes Candy I know you own the ship but please knock all the same." Such a considerate boy. Cast of Characters
Vidar Starhawk - Jedi General. Human.
Jaris Marr - Mercenary. Mechanic. Miraluka. Candy - Pilot. Gunslinger. Duros. Mandragore - Hired Gun. Mandalorian. Hell Shepard - Demo Expert. Clone Trooper. Jess - Force Wielder. Night Sister. Snidely - ID9 seeker droid. The Story Behind the Game
We were a new group getting to know each other. There was intrigue and this was when I thought about commissioning Ana to create scenes for our game. The results were phenomenal. We all loved her art and her ability to adapt our characters as we progressed.
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