Frontal (topless) nudity with somewhat of a plot. The beginning was a bit difficult to understand. There were so many characters that I didn't "get" what everything had to do with the rest of the story. I figured it might have been prudent to read the manga. Altough, there are a lot of naysayers out there complaining the anime and the manga are completely different. I don't know. I only read yaoi so... There were a few POV changes that I couldn't keep up with. The characters in the beginning all looked the same. It took six episodes, but once the story sorta stabilized I got it! Let me show you what I learned... I love this guy because he reminds me of my friends. They are always fucking with each other for a laugh. And this guy laughs constantly. So, to screw with everyone, he found these 108 Sekirei, adjusted them (DNA wise) and set them free to find their Ashikabi -- meaning, he set them free to find their human with compatible DNA that can power the Sekirei and make them become "emerged" or "winged"... meaning Sekirei find their true power by kissing their Ashikabi. I'd want to find out what they could do if they had a bit more fun with their Ashikabi, (bow-chicka-bow-bow) but hey--not fit for TV apparently. There were two characters that I found complex enough to circle in my mind. One of them was Sekirei number 6 AKA Homura and Higa Izumi, the Ashikabi of the East. The others played entertaining bouts of action and emotional balance. The first round of the Sekirei game starts off with most the Sekirei finding their Ashikabi's. Homura is a special Sekirei and is asked by the game masters to protect the un-emerged or rather "un-winged" Sekirei until they find their Ashikabi. However, he denies himself his own Sekirei making his unbelievable power unstable. But I digress to my favorites and that's not the beginning... We start with our modest, college exam test flunk, lovable hero, Minato, who literally crashes into Musubi fighting/running from the lightning twins. At this point Musubi is an unwinged Sekirei. Musubi, hard fisted, un-modest, cheerful, ball of optimistic energy grabs Minato and runs. The lighting twins are cute together but their goal is to get rid of as many unwinged Sekirei as they can. Because though lighting is awesome they both know they are weak compared to some of the others. They are twins and share their power and have the same Ashikabi. So there's lighting crashing all over town as Musubi saves Minato from the lighting twins. He brings her home because, hey, girl falling from the sky doesn't happen every day. But there's a problem. He rents a singles only apartment. So when Musubi realizes he's her Ashikabi and kisses him, the landlady throws them out. Homeless and jobless, that's when they met Miya, Homura and Uzume. MiyaUzumeHomuraMiya is the landlady of the Izumo Inn who is also known as the "Hannya of the North". Uzume is a winged Sekirei whose Ashikabi is unknown. Homura at this point is a male unemerged Sekerei...more on that one later. As episodes go on, Minato becomes an unintentional Sekirei collecting Ashikabi. ![]() His second Sekirei is Kusano AKA "Ku" AKA "the green girl". When Minato dreams of finding a little girl crying in the forest. He feels that she's real and goes to find her. Ku has the ability to grow plants at an accelerated rate and make them do as she asks. She see's Minato and knows he belongs to her. Now look people it's a peck. Not a full on french kiss so, even though she's a little girl, kissing a stranger... just get your mind out of the gutter. ![]() Matsu is a hot computer nerd type hiding from the MBI as she's a refugee but comes out of her self-induced exclusion for our Sekirei magnate, Minato, and becomes his third in his hot chick harem. Now in Minato's defense he's not asking them to be his Sekirei, they just find him hot, sweet, awesome or whatever their reason. Minato is your typical smart kid with a confidence problem and does not try to take advantage of his Sekirei. But he does in fact love them and wants the best for them. Yeah, yeah, it's a harem scenario, but this one I like. ![]() Because Minato is a good guy he gains Tsukiumi as his forth, and most difficult Sekirei. Tsukiumi fights having a Ashikabi, but doesn't have an underlying reason (like Homura) other than she don't wanna. Minato convinces her that she doesn't have to be forced into being his Sekirei and because he's got three others she feels his power as an Ashikabi and agrees, sealing the deal with a kiss. Tsukiumi is a hot-headed, jealous type with power issues claiming she's the real "wife" to Minato. She's the major reason for playful competition between the other Sekirei but she's a very powerful ali dedicated to Minato and each one of his other Sekirei -- just don't tell her that. ![]() Kazehana is broken-hearted Sekirei who's Ashikabi rejected her. For two years she took a round-the-world sake tour drinking her sorrows away. When she comes back to the Izumo Inn she takes a laxidasical interest in Minato to see if he could be the one to make her whole again. Somewhere in Season 2, I believe, Minato is kidnapped by the MBI enforcers and Kazehana is the one to find him. In the midst of battling the discipline squad she realizes Minato is the one for her after he tries to save her from the MBI. Being an unwinged Sekirei she chooses Minato because of his pure heart. He never suggests becoming her Ashikabi and she realizes Minato's noble nature is just what she needs to mend her heart. But by now, I'm realizing something. Here are my suspicions. Minato is Hiroto's son! I swear, that is his son! Look at the bangs! Look at the nose. That is his son! So I think this whole Sekirei bullshit was for his son. Let's connect the dots. Minato's mom calls him all the time. She says she's working and they elude to his father. Minato's mother works with Hiroto. Hiroto and the mother found the Sekirei together. Kazehana's Ashikabi was Hiroto. He rejected her--he was married and didn't want to be involved in the experiment. He wanted to run the experiment. Kazehana was also compatible with Minato. Remember it's DNA compatibility. See the conncetion? Okay, back to facts. ![]() Homura hides his identity as Kagari, a club host entertainer, and is the guardian Sekirei that makes sure all the other Sekirei's find their Ashikabi's. Homura winds up being the hold-out as the last unwinged Sekirei. ![]() This poor kid reacts to Minato and fights becoming our hero's Sekirei. Homura was hoping to find a female Ashikabi but believes he's defective because of his unstable power and body. When he grows breasts and starts reacting to Minato (effectively becoming a hermaphrodite) he fights the desire to become Minato's Sekirei and goes out on a suicide mission to destroy Hiroto (the eccentric MBI CEO that started this whole thing). Realizing what Homura is (take in mind Homura was known as Kagari to our hero), Minato consults his five other Sekirei and they all agree--they need to save Homura. Hell, Minato has a harem already, what's one more? Minato struggles with having a male Sekirei for half a second and realizes it's not about gender--it's about love and bonds. They go after Homura and save him from self-destruct. Whew. Still, fucked up situation for both of them. Homura has the shit end of the stick and is pretty confused as to which gender he is. Minato accepts him the way he is and while Homura might have a somewhat female body, he's still male. Hot. ![]() There's one other Sekirei I wanted to mention. There are so many that I really can't keep up, but this one, Shiina that I call Death Garden is dressed as a girl by his Ashikabi to hide him. He's one of the most powerful Sekirei and a total sweetie! I would have liked to see more of him and his Ashikabi, which I think is Minato's sister. Shiina struck me because of his naive way, calm demeanor and lost puppyness. There are, of course, other Sekirei that deserve mentions, but there are so many. There's 108 for heaven's sake. They all are awesome. Some die, but they all find their Ashikabi. Thanks to luck and Homura they all had a chance. Yes, this is a harem manga, but I found it work in that all the others loved each other as well. It was about Minato, but also, it was about finding balance in a polyamorous relationship. As round 2 of the Sekirei plan begins it becomes a game of death and destruction with Sekirei fighting until only one is standing (supposedly). However, the series didn't go that far and, as I understand, the manga was very different (what's new?). We ended with my writerly mind thinking of how to end the series. But "Sekirei" was the inspiration for Pyromage. I could give you a million and one pictures, but I'm going to give you to this AMV instead. It's awesome and I love watching it! So many great little space.
Until next time! ♥ ~ Stephy Comments are closed.
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