![]() I love Halloween so I'm wishing you all a safe candy-filled, diabetes coma induced party! But I just don't feel it would be a complete party send off without an excerpt! So here we go! Another Seducing Sensei teaser... “I need to go,” Scott said. No. No, no, no, no, no. Sending him back to that place was my hell. “So soon?” Scott pulled away. “Yeah.” Hands on my clock read a little after eight. I didn’t like this. Ever since he spent the night he’d been going home earlier. “Stay.” I grabbed his hand. My Cowboy turned away, avoiding my eyes and swallowed. “I can’t. I have to go.” His hand slipped from mine. I should have kept my mouth shut. I’d troubled him. He wanted to stay but felt a responsibility to his family. I didn’t doubt his feelings for me but family needs outweighed selfish desires. That I understood. Still, when he picked up his shirt and put it back on I thought my insides were doing a freefall. Like a trap door opened below me and plunged me into darkness. Scott put his shoes on while Itsuma and I watched. Neither of us gave protest. After he collected what he needed, my Cowboy sauntered over, leaned a hand on the couch and swept me in a kiss. I forgot words. Language. Coherent thought. Our tongues caressed each other in a dance of mindless instinct saying I will return. He better. Dizzy in my stupor of love, Scott pulled back, turned to Itsuma and gave him the same as he gave me. Watching the beautiful Cowboy and the Japanese Prince left me breathless. Their eyes watching each other, their lips tangled in a gentle battle. The kind of goodbye that left a man gasping and sent blood pressure soaring. If Scott didn’t concede to Itsuma soon, we’d find ourselves back at the beginning, satisfying each other. Scott finally pulled away. Itsuma smiled up at him, claiming his victory over not pulling away. Tempting his classmate for another round. But the adore for each other in their eyes rang clear. Scott pulled away and gave me a lopsided grin. He leaned over to my ear. “Goodnight.” His salutation wrapped around my cock and stroked from base to tip. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. His whisper froze me in place. Holy shit. His voice was a whiskey bourbon aphrodisiac. Yes please, may I have another? My Cowboy walked across the room and half my heart went with him out the door. We sat there for a moment in silence. “Bastard.” Itsuma flashed his impish grin. I eyed my Prince. “You’re not leaving so soon are you?” “Baka, he made sure to leave us wanton.” “Don’t call me an idiot. No more bad words or I’m putting out a jar.” Itsuma tsked and crouched. His agenda had nothing to do with eating or studying. It didn’t seem like he wanted sex. No, his body language suggested something physical, but not carnal. I narrowed my eyes at him. “What’s your angle Karter?” I wasn’t prey and refused to relinquish control. The jitters I’d get before a match roiled in my stomach. My muscles tensed in preparation. Oh, we were going to have fun. “You know,” Itsuma said. “Scott’s goodbye technique is effective. It’s what got me thinking about him in that way.” He stared at me with unblinking eyes. “Jealous?” My heart rate sped up. Excitement skittered up and down my spine. “No.” He held still. A panther ready to pounce. “You know better Sensei. We need to have a discussion.” “About?” I tried to look harmless as a hare. Yes, come get me. I’ll fight you for the top position. Itsuma held his unnerving smile, a technique all the best mental fighters possessed. Confidence intimidated opponents. But I had my own techniques. I knew better. And yet, I wanted so badly to take that smile off his face, or ravish those lips. Either way was fine with me. Scott may have left us wanting so we wouldn’t fight, but his plan wasn’t going to work out. But, I wasn’t sure what we were fighting for. Was it for Scott? Dominance? Losing face? Or was he still being petty over his precious iPod? We both lurched at the same time. I had him on his back in an instant, but he rolled with my momentum and somersault us over until he was on top. I expected as much from a black belt. “So who’s this Kai Akiyama?” He said. Crap. He remembered Kai’s full name. He was probably going to google stalk him later. There wouldn’t be much to find. “High School friend,” I said. “Yeah. Like me and Cooper are high school friends. I got that. What do you two have to work out?” “I said it’s none of your business.” I swept his arm and leg, rolling us on the ground fighting for dominance. I stretched out on top of him. Itsuma rose his middle. Damn. I didn’t expect him to know wrestling moves. I kicked his feet out from under him and we slammed down, me still on top. I had him pinned. “Did you play with him like this?” Itsuma said. Before I realized what happened, I was on my back. He had the concept down. Trying to flatten my legs so I couldn’t gain ground, but I’d been trained for this and he was still an amateur. “It wasn’t like that.” I hooked my arm over his neck and crawled over his back. Wrapping my arms under his and locking my hands over the back of his neck. He struggled. Itsuma tried to flip over. Crazy ass kid. It was difficult matching his speed. But I was able to keep him unsteady and unbalanced. Itsuma coughed out. “Is he gay?” Not really. “He’s like you.” “The hell he is!” Itsuma twisted his body like a contortionist. He gained more speed and energy. Because of that we rolled and I was on my back with him on top. “Sensei you need to learn to take me seriously.” Yeah, as if. “Well, you do like to horse around.” “Tell me what you and your friend have to work out.” Itsuma wrapped around me with his arms and legs, holding himself so even a strand of hair couldn’t get between us. He’d reversed our positions only he didn’t put me in a choke hold. He held onto me like a monkey using his two hundred pounds of muscle to keep me turtled. He was incredible. It made me hot for him. “It’s personal.” I struggled using grappling methods to get out from his hold. “Then I’ll find a way to get in your business.” Itsuma turned me over and ground my head into the floor. “Why are you so angry?” Ouch! He’d dug a knee into my back. “Oh, I’m not angry, Sensei,” Itsuma said, but his tone specified he was a more than pissed off. “All right!” I said. “I’ll tell you. Let me go.” Although his punishment was intoxicating, the thought of my Prince angry with me didn’t sit well. Until next Thursday! ♥ ~ Stephy
![]() I'm not really ready to show the trailer to the world, but in light of last weeks post I wanted something light-hearted for this week! Enter the Seducing Sensei Book Trailer! Now I know what your thinking...you've seen my version, how can this one be different? Well, as I mentioned in the last seducing sensei book trailer update... ...the one that was professionally done is much better! So now I'm going to give you the real Seducing Sensei book trailer! And not only that... I'm giving you the X rated one! I don't think I'll upload this one to Youtube. Just sayin'. The G Rated version will be all over, but this one...well don't say I didn't warn ya. Of course if you saw the last one, you know what I mean! Here goes! Mature Audiences Only! |
Seducing Sensei is now available at your favorite retailer! |

"Nobody wants to be that guy that loses a patient that came in for a tooth ache."

So I took the pictures and the music and made my own video. But, why would I do that when I spent money on a guy to do it for me? Don't jump to conclusions! Read on...
But I am just too excited not to share something. Plus this was so fun to make. My book trailer, the one I had made by a pro, doesn't have all the pictures, nor does it have the whole 3 minute song. The song is timed perfectly for the pro video and works so well with the images--I could never get my trailer to be like that.
Mine is amateur hour.
But I did a video of both all the pictures and the 3 minutes of music together. The professionally done book trailer is far better than mine. In no way shape or form am I thinking to myself...I could have done better. No. No I could not. But I wanted all the images and all the music together to see if it could be done.
Well, you tell me how it came out. If you like it, you'll love what the pro did to it. But this one I have to show, so here goes! An exclusive you'll only get on The Dirty Blog!
Warning: Boy on Boy on Boy love!
All Male Menage!
Please do not continue if watching same sex relationships upsets you.
The following video is EXCESSIVELY GRAPHIC!
As always ~ XO Stephy
Seducing Sensei is now available at your favorite retailer! |
The Enclave
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