![]() So now that Seducing Sensei has been released, I'm working on a new title! When I start a new WIP, I give it a working title. This one has had several titles kicked around. Fire Mage Pyromage The Would-Be Dragon Chronicles of the Fire Damned Will of Fire But Pyromage has stuck. Pyromage may very well be the series name. The Pyromage Series. This book will either be Baptism of Fire or Crucible of Fire. Why am I hemming and hawing?
Big news! Those who have watched the making of Seducing Sensei will finally get completion! You're going to want to hit the read more down below and all the way to the end because there are some amazing offers, free music, an awesome trailer and great excerpts available to you.
In one week and a day, on March 31st, 2017, the first book of the "Notice Me Senpai" series will be released into the wild! For those of you who've been patiently waiting, you can get the book on pre-order for 99¢ with the convenience of having it delivered to your kindle the moment it's ready to be shipped out! But this deal ends April 8th, so today's the day! Click on the button below to order!
Looking for love, Moriel Reis finds it--but why here?
A professional teacher by day, Moriel learns that students can sometimes be the best teachers. Eighteen-year-old Scott Cooper and Itsuma Karter, two of his students share similar interests—including lust for each other. Emotions flare when Itsuma challenges “Mr. Reis’s” authority. After Moriel harshly disciplines Itsuma in front of the entire class, the young student vows to regain a piece of his wounded pride back. Torn by loyalty for his smoldering friend and classmate, Scott Cooper watches his homeroom teacher with dreamy, lust-filled eyes. The heated conflict begins a fiery battle between Itsuma and his teacher. As this passion translation becomes a lustful tale, a surprising ‘hot for teacher’ story becomes a love affair, and a passionate adventure. This out of the ordinary exploration for the two students allows them entrance into a world of erotic confessions, taking them on a journey into the velvet art of seduction that begins when the fighting ends. But as their taboo sexual persuasions beckon for something more, in lies the question… do two wrongs make a right? Moriel, Scott, and Itsuma learn the answer. Excerpt
If you're having trouble seeing the excerpt below, click here:
https://issuu.com/trollriverpublications/docs/seducingsensei_trpexcerpt This is the Rated R version of the book trailer
Warning: graphic boy on boy love.
Download the official song for Seducing Sensei
Now, because you guys are so awesome, and I love you so much, I'm giving you a download of the song, True Love, that's in the trailer. Don't worry, you're not infringing on stolen music. This particular piece was commissioned by me and I have all the rights to it. If I want to give it away free, that's my right. And that's what I'm doing, so click below for an mp3 download of True Love the official song of Seducing Sensei.
Missed the Book Launch event?
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Goodreads Book Giveaway
Enter GiveawayHappy reading!
Until next time,
♥ ~ Stephy

Rea MacBain's job is to ensure the safety of Earth's precious few water purification plants. He believes his abusive past must stay buried under the snow that encases his domain.
A single bullet will send Karma and Rea in a direction they’d never expected. Ice cold assassin's blood drives the woman sent to kill him, yet it ignites the fire which thaws Rea's heart.
Read more for my review.
I have a map of the world in which I could share with you, but alas, the map is not mine to share. As I mentioned, the story was fashioned for a friend who was building a game around a world built in his head.
It was a RPG that he and a friend started and yet never finished. But the game lives on in this small pocket of the internet and I didn't want the story to be left behind along with the game. It was just too good for that.
So, read on for Chapter 5 of The King's Thief.
Pictured right is my inspiration for Bowden, the sorcerer who befriended Lady Dauphine while she was in the Roullean court, before Randish occupation. Hawt. Bowden was one of the Roullean King's "Four". The four were the advisers to Lady Dauphine's beloved uncle. Warrior, sorcerer, priest and rogue. Bowden was, of course, the sorcerer. They became fast friends with them both being young. What Lady Dauphine didn't know at that time was the wish of her uncle for her to become the next monarch. Bowden knew this, as well as Chartan, but the friendship between sorcerer and noblewoman was pure. They genuinely liked each other as friends. There was no attraction, and more camaraderie. If you're finding this post as a first, you can start from the beginning with chapter 1, just click below. Or click "The King's Thief" category on the right. |
The King's Thief
Chapter 5
My pieces were spread across Penticio and Maralon in the Southeast while his pieces attacked from Valron and Quenarre above from Northwest. It was his move. He chose to slide a pawn to some forest in Maralon.
“That’s cheating—there is no city there.”
The intense focus of his mood quelled my objections. Holding my breath, I was afraid the excitement he invoked would show.
“There is a small town there. It’s called Aelad.”
“I’ve never heard of it.”
“It’s there. You should get to know your countryside.”
Being alone with him rattled every nerve. My composure claimed mutiny and jumped over-board days ago. I couldn’t concentrate except for the deceit I’d planned with Dean and Roy.
“You should get to know my countryside.” I smiled.
His stare was bland and peculiarly unmoved. Normally, I’d pass by and forget such a rebuff. But Chartan was a different story. His impression of me was important. It changed my actions. The knowledge perturbed me. “Still think a courtesan makes a good queen?”
More silent staring was his response.
I let out my breath and looked at the quilt “board”.
“I can understand your reticent to going back.” His rough rum voice could charm the skin off a snake.
“Reticent?” That was a laugh. “Everyone I knew—died. All I loved is gone. I can’t go back there with the memories…”
“Ah, guilt. Why you and not them?”
His words pricked my heart. I turned away forcing the truth back before its waves crashed over and spilled from my eyes. Damn him.
A gentle hand cupped my chin and turned my face to his. “No. Let me see this. It fuels my purpose.” His tenderness broke me.
Streams etched crevasses down my cheeks.
In his words and through the windows of his soul, Chartan, his motivations, his loyalty, his fierce love for Quenarre became clear. My tears, a king’s wish, a countries cry all drove Chartan to rebuild, piece together, claw behind shadows to reconstruct our lost people. I’d known all this time, deep down, and for that he was the only man I’d ever loved. A man that would only see me as that eighteen year old frightened child that would be his queen.
As my tears came down I could see his hate build inside. Chartan was not made of stone. He felt, and greatly so, for all of Quenarre. The wrath I saw could take down regimes. That’s what Chartan meant when he said I would rule. One man against all of Randisar. My flat out refusal he called “reticence” bruised a little.
A pounding at the door made me jump out of my chair.
“What?” Chartan yelled.
“Get out here, your men need leading.” Dean yelled from the other side.
Knowing my cue, I stepped far from the bed.
Chartan ripped the door open.
Dean flew in with Roy right behind. The two large men bum rushed their captain and lifted him off the ground. Chartan twisted in his struggle, nearly making his two subordinates drop him. Dean and Roy threw him on the bed. My two pawns pinned Chartan’s wrists to the posts and began their swift knot work.
“What is this?” Chartan thrashed his legs. Which is why I took advantage of his stunned reaction and sat on his hips.
“Relax.” Roy grunted and finished his knot. “It’s nothing you can’t get out of in two minutes.”
Still Chartan struggled with his bonds but his wrists were firmly tied to the posts. Roy and Dean stepped back looking dubious about their rope work.
“It might hold till we reach the door.” Dean smirked in satisfaction.
“Thank you, gentlemen.” I swept past them and sat by the bed. “He’s been hard to pin down.”
They both laughed.
“I can’t imagine you having any trouble keeping him in one place, but it is Chartan.” Roy grabbed the thief’s boot closest to him and pulled them off.
“Gustave!” Chartan yelled.
Dean laughed, grabbed Chartan’s boot closest to him and pulled. “Gustave isn't coming.”
Chartan sneered and started thrashing. I clenched my knees to ride the bull and set my hands on his chest. “Stop.”
A wild animal looked back at me.
“You won’t hurt him, we agreed.” Dean said on his way out the door.
“I keep my promises.” I said keeping an eye on Chartan. “Thank you, both.”
“Your welcome, your majesty.” Roy answered.
When the door closed, I sneered at it. Your majesty indeed.
A deep rumbling vibrated in my hands. Chartan chuckled. He was calm but I didn’t underestimate him. Already he twisted his arms, working the ropes. “What did you promise them in return?”
I’ll never tell. “How does it feel to be forced into a place you don’t want to go? Tied, bound and helpless?” I unbuttoned his trousers and slipped a hand under his shirt.
“I wouldn’t know.” His rough rum voice quivered in my stomach.
Knowing this game was a race of clothes vs. how fast a thief could slip out of his bonds, I stripped off his pants. A glorious cock hardened all the way up and hid under his shirt. I pounced on him, took the end of the shirt and ripped in half.
Finally, Chartan naked.
“I hope you plan on replacing that.” He eyed his shirt.
I ran my hands down the length of his stomach. He was magnificent. I’d waited a lifetime to play with him.
“Still see me as a little girl?”
Chartan lifted his knees and threw me forward. Face to face, I enveloped his lips. Ravenous for Chartan my tongue dug deep trying to taste all of him. He returned my smoldering passion—slow, thoughtful and sparse. He wasn’t running a marathon as I was, he would take his time.
A hand pushed the back of my head and drew me closer. Damn he’d gotten free already. I wanted the top spot, but I’d have to fight for it now. Breaking free from his mouth I adjusted my dress so I could maneuver us skin-to-skin. But his upright legs were in the way. He rolled us over. With only one hand free he stopped short of pinning me down. Without the support of his other arm, I was able to force him on his back.
His infuriating smile said this was a fun game.
Laying my torso on his, I hooked my feet around his lower legs and pushed out. His knees went down and I sat up sliding my slickness along his cock.
“Dauphine,” he whispered. “You need not do this for what you want.”
“This is what I want.”
“Accept your place as queen and I will turn this ship around back to Xaxyia.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Ask, as queen, and it’s yours.”
Grabbing hold of his hard length, I slipped his cock inside me.
Two arms wrapped around me and Chartan started rocking us at a maddening slow rate. My usual control perished. I wanted him to come. I wanted him to crash over the rocks of endless ecstasy. I tried quickening the pace. He gripped both hips and lifted me up preventing me from grinding on him. Slowly in, slowly out while he held me in the air.
His face strained in concentration, his body tense. He was working me over as I did clients. I knew and still couldn’t stop from giving in. To let the pleasure encase me. To hand him my heart. I, the ocean, and he, the moon, rocking waves of pleasure in an endless cycle. Waning, waxing. Pressure started to build. I lifted my head to the the sky. Holding me up with the head of his cock barley inside, he paused.
My eyes flew open. I looked down with a fierce intensity telling him to continue. He smirked back up at me. Letting all the weight in my knees go I hoped to drop on top on him. But he was strong enough to hold me in a torture unfulfilled.
I growled.
He laughed and let me slide down his cock, separating my insides in a slow controlled pace that he set.
“Faster.” I demanded.
Flipping me on my back, Chartan stabbed his cock inside and held there. I cried out. He slowly pulled out. Then stabbed back inside. Repeating this anticipation of how far he would pull out and how fast he would drive in.
“No, no, no, no.”
His chuckle filled my ear.
I pushed him over and got back on top, but again he grabbed my hips and prevented me from rutting on him. He sat up and took me to my back again, this time pumping hard, fast and using his entire length.
Then he started his torture again. Hanging me at the edge of begging.
“Say what I want to hear.” He whispered.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, clinging to him I said, “No.”
He pumped once—hard. “Say it.”
I whimpered.
Clenching my inner walls hard when he drove in I bit down on his shoulder. He cupped a hand to the back of my head and pulled me closer.
“Dauphine.” He cried. “Say it.”
Finally a chink in the armor.
She gasped. Damn. I needed to keep her at the edge. Doing it without losing my mind would take control.
Pulling out slow, driving in slow, she bit down on my shoulder. I hissed to keep from losing it. She was regaining control. I had to stop her. Pulling out I flipped her on her knees and slid inside. This time when she squeezed the sensation intensified. I would drown before letting her win. Had I been ignorant, Dauphine would play me for every secret I owned. Slowly out, slowly in became a chant.
“Say it.” I ground out. But I’d forgotten the answer.
Her back arched. She was going to try and control the pace. Grabbing her hips I forced our dance to an excruciating crawl. Dauphine’s insides suckled my cock, promising more if I only gave in. My Dauphine kept engaging me, not letting me mindlessly rut inside her. Her inner walls squeezed me without pattern, forcing me to stay present, engaging my mind and body. Clenching a hand on her hip and the other on her shoulder allowed me to keep the maddening pace. Maddeningly slow. My pace not hers.
“Say it.” Gritting back a plea, I steadied, adjusting to her inner convulsions. The woman was diabolical. I could no longer tell if she was coming or making me think she was. Driving into pleasure I slowed. I would not break before her. She would feel me. I would own her as no other.
“Say it!”
My control faltered. The final peak to exquisite torture was in motion. Please, no. God, yes. She would have bruises on her hip but I could control myself no other way. Another plea near ripped from me. Dauphine, please. My body was on fire from resisting. How much longer? She’d rip me apart, I had to do something to prevent this. I flattened her on her stomach and reached to her front, stroking her clit.
Whispering sweet espionage only Dauphine could appreciate, I said, “Who monitors Randish shipments in Xaxyia?”
I could feel her smile. “Is Bowden alive?”
Playing a courtesan’s game was dangerous, but I could play. “You first.”
Her grip inside felt like a fist working me over. Inevitable release approached. Holding back was no longer an option, I plunged. Dauphine cried. Her mewling accompanied a splash against my cock. It was my end. The world went blank. I was a creature of desire. Growling, I plunged down hard and fast. Then stopped. So good. So wet. She wrapped her leg around mine, pulled at my elbow and I was on my back.
Dauphine scrambled up and started working me over with her slick insides contorting my cock in the most pleasurable of ways. She was wonderful. Fighting for the top position. Clawing for my release. She would have her prize soon enough. Pushing her forward, I regained my place above her. This time I released the animal screaming to get out.
“Is this what you want?” I pounded hard as I could.
Her throaty affirmation headed the beginning of the end.
“Say it!”
“Chartan, Chartan, Chartan…” she kept repeating my name, pumping my ego higher.
Unable to hold back cannon fire shot out my cock. Holding her hips I pumped in shallow unison with each wad. A mass of sweat I fell back on pillows. Admiring Dauphine spread so prettily for my consumption, I toweled myself off.
“Next time, just ask.” I threw the towel on her backside.
“Asking isn’t the point.”
“Careful, you sound like a queen.”
She turned her head and those bejeweled eyes twinkled in laughter.
From outside the cabin, like a splash of cold water, Roy’s booming voice shouted, “Ship abroad!”
Holy mother fucking of all shit...I've found my mecca. A dystopian action/romance (okay so the romance isn't a huge theme but it's in there).
This one changed my life. Whenever I feel down, I'm going to punch myself in the face. If only I had a real-life Kamina -- oh wait -- I do! His name is Adaven. But that's a different story...
Please be warned, there are spoilers.
The Enclave
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Notice Me Senpai
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The King's Thief
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