So, I had this idea about short romantical stories. I love me some romance, a little explicit scenes and a good story to wrap the whole thing in a bow. I know there are plenty of stories out there like the ones I want, but they always seem to be a crap-shoot. Some are fantastic! Some need work. Like a box of chocolates--I never know what I'm going to get.
But what if I could get an author I loved to write me novelettes on the good scenes with a flavor-Du-jour story? Some of them are just so good that you want to whip the lash and be like Annie Wilks, here's your milk and cookies now write my damn story! Those steamy nuggets I just want to get into. Don't get me wrong--I like the foreplay! But, sometimes I can't help but scan through the book for "those" scenes. I'm bad, I know. I also read sexy scenes over because dang, sometimes you just want the pay off! So, I thought, wait--I'm a writer that I love to read (yeah, no modesty there) why don't I write novelettes I want to read! I could call them shorts-off stories! He-he, get it, shorts-OFF stories...*sigh* at least I amuse myself. So, these short stories are the types I'd like to read in a busy world where I only have an hour or less. I bring them to you, because let's face it, I'm not the only one who wants a payoff in a shorts-off amount of time! I plan on launching my shorts-off series in January 2013. Once a month on the first Tuesday actually! And if you desire to get in touch with me leave me a message. Flick it to me good! ~ Stephonavich |
Welcome to The Enclave Thanks for taking a look at my little hodgepodge of a blog. The format and subjects of my blog has changed through the years as it's my log of S.N.McKibben's writing journey. You've now been sufficiently forewarned, happy reading! Categories
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