Why I wrote The King's Thief"You can write about dragons or about Chartan," my friend said. Johnny, a 5'9" slim ginger with storm-cloud hazel eyes and dirty blond loose curled hair nodded. "But I want you to write it." Johnny pulled out a map of Inestra and pointed to the two references on the map. The Dragon Highlands and Quenarre. "What are the dragons like?" I asked. "Intelligent." "Do they talk?" "They have their own language but it's not a spoken one." "Okay." My mind furiously thought about the writing logistics of that. "Do they have riders?" "They can. But that's like... taming a wild dragon." Hmmm. Eargon has that angle surrounded and whatever I wrote, I wanted to have my own twist on it. "Tell me about Quenarre." That's when Johnny launched into the war between Randisar and Quenarre. Within half-an-hour I had an idea. "What's around Quenarre..." and I was told about wizards, Inestra's magic and all the different things for the game they had created. This all started as Johnny's quest to build a roll playing game based on this world. He wanted a story for it and asked me to write it. I had it back to him in two months and at the time they were moving ahead with the game. But as the years passed, Johnny put the whole project on hold, indefinitely. That gave me the permission to publish this on my own and let others read it. So this all started as a collaboration of Johnny's world and still continues today with The King's Thief. I have permission to write more about Inestra and things may come about it, but as of today, things are up in the air. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! I'm grateful because it set me off into ghost writing and I've written plenty for others. It helps me in my own writing and I love it! Hopefully, you'll be inclined to take a look at The King's Thief and I invite you to download the book! Until next time...
...happy reading! ~ Stephy I've been known to download artwork for personal use─only when given permission or when I see something on a stock site, of course─and put it up as a screensaver or on as my phone background, so I thought maybe you might like something like that too! So I've configured a few screen savers for you! Take a look... We have the realistic images... Then I have the artwork commissioned by Cynthia Hlady. Please know that I PAID for these and I am releasing them for personal use only. Now, I'm betting that you like at least one of these and want to download and put it up on your computer or possibly your phone. So I have nifty instructions that tells you how to do that whether your on your desktop, mac, android, IOS system, or webrowser (including Chrome). Enjoy! Putting an image on your computer or phone backgroundIf you're on a desktop computer, most the time you just have to right click on the image, scroll and click on the "set as desktop image" selection and you're done! (P.S. This method doesn't work on chrome) Otherwise... download the image then follow these instructions: WikiHow has instructions with pictures!! Go here: www.wikihow.com/Make-Any-Picture-Your-Computer%27s-Wallpaper Otherwise, here is the run down for Desktop, Mac, Android, iOS and setting background images from your internet browser (except chrome for some reason). DESKTOP:
Using iOS Display Settings:
Using images from a web browser:
*In light of royalties and copyright laws, this images has been purchased for this particular use. Know that when you download this image, you will not violate an artist's rights as long as you use this work for your personal use. Please do not upload it to another site. It is important to me that artists are paid for their work. Thank you!*
This month, I thought I'd share the making of The King's Thief Artwork. Cynthia Hlady did a fantastic job of bringing my characters to life and she's such a talent to work with. I've fully enjoyed her enthusiasm and taking the reins of this project to make it fully alive. I also wanted to do something fancy-smansy with my blog this month so, I'm experimenting with the features. Thus... slideshow! *applause & cheering* Below you'll get to see the first sketches and the finals to get an insight into what went into these beautiful paintings. And I do mean paintings. Cynthia was allowed to go with whatever medium she wanted and she chose to go with acrylic *I believe*. So what you see here are actual paintings. Each illustration depicts a scene in the book. Can you tell which ones? Until next time... Enjoy! ~ Stephy Don't have your FREE copy of THE KING'S THIEF? Get yours now! Lady Dauphine keeps a secret that could restore her country from the clutches of Randish rule. Yet the noble woman hides under the profitable guise of her courtesan business far from home. For what can one woman do against the zealous lot of religious leaders that hold Quenarre, and all its people, hostage? Only her cousin and the man who saved her life twenty years ago know her true origins. Though not born from nobility, Chartan LeBeau commands royalty with his demeanor, subdue arguments with the language of silent intimidation, and keep the affections of the last royal descendant of the true king of Quenarre. Yet all his talents do not convince his future queen turned temptress to return with him and command an army to take back her throne. Reverting to his former station of thief, he steals Lady Dauphine and sails for the land of her birthright. But when thief and future queen learn of a court mage’s capture, he tells her to turn back while he attempts a rescue. Despite “orders” to sail back, Lady Dauphine grows into the leader Quenarre needs in order to save a dear friend thought lost to the cruel Randish Theocracy Excerpt from The King’s Thief
© 2017 S.N.McKibben Chapter 1 Seducing a man is harder than one might think. Especially if that man is Chartan LeBeau. I don’t know why the King of Thieves returned to Xaxyia after twenty years, but I recognized him the moment his doe-skin, silver-tipped boots graced my hall. Already he was gathering attention from my girls. Being the good courtesans that they were, each woman tried to attend him. A small sense of satisfaction rippled through my chest when he rebuffed them all and headed straight for me. I wondered if he remembered the night he whisked me away, by my uncle’s command, saving me from death. It was the last time I ever saw the King of Quenarre, my uncle. Chartan was one of two people who knew my true origins. Still, Chartan was dangerous. I stayed in my chair, frozen by the beauty of him. Long legs, a perfect bulge below his V-shaped torso, hidden behind a rogue’s cape and hood. If you looked carefully, you’d find his riches within his tailor with clothing of soft fineness but not audacious gold. The King of Thieves flaunted nothing. Though not born from nobility, Chartan knew how to command royalty through his demeanor, subdue arguments with the language of silent intimidation, and keep my affections, though I hadn’t seen him for two decades. Wooing a master seducer such as myself was not easy. He should have been a military commander, but for one reason or another he chose to remain a thief, one that caught the eye of a king… and me, a former Quenarre noblewoman. I smiled to calm the flutter in my heart and stood to greet him. Perhaps he would not know me after all this time, but even if he suspected, I would not give my identity away easily. I knew the art of pretense now. “Dear Sir, thank you for coming to Courtesan’s guild. How may we pleasure you?” His eyes were hidden, but his lips curved down slightly at my informal greeting. Coming to a full halt, he bowed. Then his smooth accent had my thighs clench together. “Lady Dauphine, may we speak in private?” My stomach detached from my belly and came rushing up to my heart. But my smile grew wider, hard as it was to keep from it. “I’m sorry my dear, but I don’t entertain new customers.” Chartan scanned the room. “I have something of import to discuss with you. I’m not interested in your services.” I laughed. “That’s the tactic you wish to take. I assure you we are all discreet here. Perhaps you would like to speak to Lady Glen?” He’d better not. Straining to keep from shaking, I motioned to Lady Glen as she passed by. Hearing her name, she immediately came over. Chartan waved her away. “No, this is for you only.” “Oh, I bet it is.” I sat, showing I was not some pithy girl to shove around. He leaned down to my ear and whispered. “I know who you are, Lady Dauphine of Quenarre, noble princess of the house Rouelle. I escorted you to safety here before the overthrow of our King. Do not chuff me off.” It was not the first time I’d been threatened, nor would it be the last. He would not get away with blackmail. Nor would he see me panic. I kept my heart slow and retorted, “Then you will expose yourself.” He stood and chuckled. My nose flared, and I looked up at him. His waist was at the perfect height to unbutton his pants and bring him to his knees, the way a woman who knows what she’s doing can. Our eyes locked. Damn if I am going to give in to him. He infuriated me with his half quirk of a smile, that arrogance. His scent beat at my control. A pouch appeared in his hand, and he let the contents clink before he placed the money bag between my cleavage. “That should be sufficient to avoid unpleasant speculation.” He stepped back and motioned his hand to indicate he would follow. I was not a horse to lead. Nor a slave to his whims. But, the side of me that wanted him in my bed snuck reason and excuses to take him to my chambers. Really, what choice did I have with what he threatened? If I refused, he’d call attention to my Rouellean heritage. It wouldn’t take too much time for the rumors to fly across the land to The Randish pope. My fate would be sealed. I’d probably be dead in a matter of weeks. Painting on my nonchalant smile, I played demure host and did as he bade. Passing my bodyguards, Luca and John, I gave them the signal to interrupt us in two minutes. Luca nodded. My personal security were more than brutes. They understood subtly. Down the corridor, Chartan’s smooth voice resumed battering against the stronghold of my heart. “How much time do I have before your men crash in?” I turned up the spiral stairs and said nothing. “I’m guessing a few minutes,” he said. “No matter. You’ll hear what I have to say.” I wanted to grit my teeth. Damn thief. We crossed the hallway where several of my girls were hard at work pleasuring their clients. It was impossible to pass a door without hearing the particulars of a client’s needs. The sound of a slap on flesh halted my motion. I listened at the door from where it came. If a man was being too harsh with any of my women, I wouldn’t have him back. Another slap. My hand rested on the door knob. “You like that, hun? You like being ruffed up?” The woman’s muffled voice belonged to Lady Andrea. “Yes.” Responded a breathy male voice. “Please, again.” Slap. Apparently, Duke Undore paid for a woman’s stinging scorn. Good to know. I smiled, backed away, and continued down the corridor. Chartan waited for me with piercing eyes. Taking the stairs to the second floor, I turned into the hallway and reached under my sleeve. “Stop.” Chartan’s deep voice halted me. “You’ve been a larcenist too long, LeBeau.” I continued to door number twelve. This was where I played with clients and teased secrets from their souls. I pulled out the iron key to my door and showed him. “I hope you hold no dangerous value in a chunk of metal.” “Chunks of metal, as you say, have killed men before.” Chartan took the key and inserted it into the lock. He opened the door and stepped back. As I tried to go forward, Chartan threw his arm out and waggled a finger at me. “Not yet my courtesan.” His grin didn’t reach his eyes. The thief’s touch was my exquisite pleasure. A genuine smile parted my lips. He took me seriously. I crossed my arms and pursed my lips in defiance. Heart tearing itself apart but understanding what I had to do, my inner most desire pleaded with me to take him to my bosom and show him he did not need all these precautions, not with me. But it would be a lie. I would go to any length to protect my identity. If I was found out as a Rouellean it wouldn’t be long before the Theocracy of the Randish would spill my blood. Chartan freed a dagger from inside his cape and, using the tip of his blade, opened the door wide. He looked inside, up then down, and finally between the hinges of the door. I sighed in feigned disgust, but he had every right to be suspicious. “Have a lot of enemies?” He went inside, quiet as a stalking cat, and swept the room. While he was preoccupied with his security check, I walked inside and closed the door—slowly. Reaching under my sleeves, I grabbed my throwing sticks, one for each hand. I positioned the thin, three-edged, dowel-like weapons ready to turn and deploy. My movement swift, my aim true, I lobbed the blades at Chartan’s heart. The thief deflected one and caught the other. Then, faster than I could blink, slammed me against the wall. The point of my own dagger scraping against my chin. Despite my attempt to kill him, Chartan’s smile was hearty and his eyes sparkled to life. “My King was right.” “About what?” “You are truly the right choice.” “For what?” “To regain the crown and return Quenarre to its glory.” His words stung. Quenarre. My beloved home. The land that stole my life. “I’ll never return to that place.” “You will return, and you will rule.” Luca pounded the door open and rushed in. Chartan flew back, hopped in the air, and folded himself forward while sailing through the open window—backward. His flight took a blink of an eye, and he was gone before John could join Luca in my room. My personal security, Luca, eyed me up and down, checking for any harm that may have come to me. “My Lady?” “I’m fine.” “We’ll chase after him.” Luca peered out the window. “Don’t contemplate jumping after LeBeau.” If Luca did catch up to Chartan, I’d lose a bodyguard. “Besides, he paid for my time.” I reached for the bag of coin Chartan had lusciously shoved down my corset. It wasn’t there. I reached further in. Nothing. The money was gone. My blood boiled. “Chartan!” I slammed the window sill. LeBeau was a mile away by now, but his chuckle rang in my ears. He would not win. I would never go back to Quenarre. As for his blackmail threat… if he wanted to fight in the game of espionage, he’d found a formidable opponent. You are my true fan! I know this because you either got here from my email directing you, you know to check every Thursday for updates, or you followed a link from social media─in which case, you follow me there. Either way, this "extra" week in May gives me a chance to break from the normal and offer you a digital download! If you've been reading my blogs for a while, you know that Cynthia Hlady and I create illustrations for these stories. I own the rights to the images and can use them as I like. It gets Cynthia's work noticed and I get character images for my stories. The illustration above is an example of the front and back of a bookmark I made (with Cynthia's character sketch of Lady Dauphine) for THE KING'S THIEF. Download it with my blessing, but if you want to give back for the freebie, share this post to social media (you'll find share buttons on the right side of your screen). Really, I just want you to have something from my book to have. Below is a file you can download then print or upload to your computer or phone. Instructions on how to do that follows. Happy printing!
Follow the instructions below to print out your own bookmark! Click the "Download File" above. Click cntl J to get to your downloads. Click "show in folder" on the "bookmark-download.docx". Right Click on the file named "bookmark-download.docx". Scroll to "print". Uncheck the "Fit picture to frame" box. Hit the print button. Voila! Bookmark printed! Fold or cut the edges to your preference. Follow the instructions below to set as your Desktop/Phone/Tablet backgroundIf you're on a desktop computer, most of the time you just have to right click on the image, scroll and click on the "set as desktop image" selection and you're done! (P.S. This method doesn't work on chrome).
Otherwise... download the image then follow these instructions: WikiHow has instructions with pictures!! Go here: www.wikihow.com/Make-Any-Picture-Your-Computer%27s-Wallpaper Otherwise, here is the run down for Desktop, Mac, Android, iOS and setting background images from your internet browser (except chrome for some reason). DESKTOP: Right-click your desktop and select “Personalize”. This option is at the bottom of the context menu that appears and will take you to the “Personalization” menu. Some sample images will be displayed under the “Choose your picture” header. For simplified, on-the-fly wallpaper changes, simply right-click a photo on your computer and select “Set as desktop background” from the context menu. This lacks some of the customization options of the Personalization menu. Click “Browse” to select a photo. You will be prompted to browse the folder on your computer to select an image file. Click to select a photo and press “Choose Picture”. The photo will be set as your wallpaper and appear in the “Choose your picture” image list. Select an option from the “Choose your fit” dropdown. This option is useful for images that are smaller or larger than your desktop resolution. ”Fill” will adjust the image so that there is no blank space around the image. ”Fit” will adjust the image so that no part of it is cropped out. ”Tile” will fill all space with repeated copies of the image. This option is best for smaller images. ”Center” will use the exact size of the image. Select “Slideshow” from the “Background” dropdown to setup a wallpaper rotation (optional). Once this option is selected you can add pictures to the slideshow by clicking “Browse” and set a rotation interval from the “Change picture every” dropdown. Press the “X” in the upper right corner to close the window. This finalizes your decision once you have settled on a wallpaper choice and optional settings. The settings are auto-saved as you select them. ANDROID: Open the "settings" app. Tap “Display”. This is listed under the “Device” header and will open a list of options specific to your screen. Tap “Wallpaper”. This will open a list of places from your phone to select wallpapers. Options here may vary depending on the model of phone or tablet you are using. Tap “Photos”. This will open a list of ALL photos on your device, including those located in the Photos app, Downloads, or other third-party apps. Tap a picture to preview it as a wallpaper. You can reach this same interface by launching the “Photos” app, tapping a photo to view, opening the options menu (in the upper right), tapping “Use As”, and selecting “Wallpaper”. Tap and drag the picture to adjust its positioning. You can also pinch or reverse pinch to zoom in and out. Tap “Set Wallpaper” at the top of the picture. This will set the picture with your selected positioning as your wallpaper. Tap the back button instead if you decide you do not want the previewed picture as your wallpaper. Tap “Set Wallpaper” at the top of the picture. This will set the picture with your selected positioning as your wallpaper. Using iOS Display Settings: Open the "Settings" app. Tap "Wallpaper". This button is listed in the sidebar on the left and will open the wallpaper options. Tap “Choose a New Wallpaper”. You will be taken to the ‘Choose’ page where you can select between Apple wallpapers and pictures stored in your Photos app. Tap a picture to preview it as a wallpaper. You can reach this same interface by launching the “Photos” app, tapping a photo to view, opening the “Share” menu in the upper right, and tapping “Use as Wallpaper”. Tap and drag the picture to adjust its positioning. You can also pinch or reverse pinch to zoom in and out. Choose your wallpaper settings. The bottom bar lists a number of options on how to use your photo as your wallpaper. Tapping the first 3 will set your photo as a wallpaper. “Set Lock Screen”: This option will set the photo as your wallpaper only when the device is locked. “Set Home Screen”: This option will set the photo as your wallpaper only when your device is unlocked at the home screen. ”Set Both”: This option will set the photo as you wallpaper on both your lock and home screen. ”Perspective Zoom On/Off”: When on, this will automatically adjust your photo to fit the screen so that the photo scrolls slightly as you tilt your device. ”Cancel”: This will return you to your previous location without setting the wallpaper. MAC: Open the Apple Menu and select “System Preferences”. The Apple Menu is in the left corner of the top menu bar. Click “Desktop & Screensaver”. This will open the wallpaper and screensaver controls. By default you can choose from Apple sample wallpapers and your pictures folder. [1] For simplified, on-the-fly wallpaper changes, simply Ctrl + click a photo on your computer and select “Set as desktop background” from the context menu. This lacks some of the customization options of the Display Settings. Tap the “+” button to add pictures from another location. This button is in the lower right corner of the window and will prompt you to browse your computer for image locations. Click a picture to set it as your wallpaper. The picture will be set as your wallpaper and can be viewed in the background. You can change the background as many times as you like by selecting other pictures in the browsing window. Select the “Change picture” checkbox to setup a wallpaper rotation (optional). Once this box is checked, you can select a time interval to decide how often the wallpaper will change from the menu to the right. This option will use all of the pictures in whichever folder is selected when selecting the checkbox. Press the “X” in the upper left corner to close the window. This finalizes your decision once you have settled on a wallpaper choice and optional settings. The settings are auto-saved as you select them. Using images from a web browser: Choose your browser. Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari[2] can set a desktop image directly from the browser window. On Chrome, images must be downloaded to the hard drive and set as a background image from there. Images can not be set as wallpapers directly from mobile browsers. Search for images. It is a good idea to include image size or resolution as part of your search parameters. With Google Image Search this can be done by selecting “Search Tools” under the the search bar and choosing an option from the “Size” dropdown menu. Click to view an image preview. You can also view the full-size image by clicking the “View Image” button next to the preview. Right-click the image (or Ctrl + click on Mac) and select “Set as desktop background”. The image will be set as your wallpaper without a preview. This method will set an image to fill the screen by default. Right-click the image and select “Save As…” (optional). Select a location on your computer and save to access the image with the wallpaper tools. This options is for Google Chrome users or those who want more control over how the image is used as a wallpaper. Use the method that corresponds to your platform to use the downloaded image as your wallpaper. Get YOUR copy of THE KING'S THIEFClick the button above! * /END Shameless plug * What is a Rantholic?I've talked before about words unique to THE KING'S THIEF before. Well, here's another word that might trip up those who don't know. Rantholic. Don't remember this word in the story? Let me give you a snippet of where it is! *Any reason to give you a teaser, right!* THE KING'S THIEF ExcerptThe two soldiers tipped their heads, and one of them called for others. Detrien squeezed my hand and winked. “Easy as stroking a cat.” I let out my tension. “You could have told me you were known here.” “Didn’t I mention I’d been back to Rouelle?” He had in passing. “You are a brute for torturing me so.” He chuckled and for that brief moment I was home. “The problem is getting to the palace alive.” Detrien scanned the crowd. “Any moment they’ll recognize me, and we’ll be the middle of a crush.” A line of twenty metal-suit escorts surrounded our party, and we walked forward. The rogues had covered their faces the moment they realized they might come under scrutiny. With this many people they didn’t know, the men were edgy. Torg remained in front and scanned the crowd keeping his hand over the pommel of his dagger. The others hunched over, trying to melt into their saddles. But people stayed focused on Detrien… our companions wouldn’t be remembered. Once people saw my cousin, the whisper mill began, and jittering energy consumed the streets. It grew into a frenzy to take a gander at the singer. People jostled against each other, following our small caravan, staring. I was sure our guides were the only thing preventing dirty faced admirers mobbing Detrien. My cousin walked with a raised chin, eyes straight, hands loose, and shoulders relaxed. He gave the people no eye contact, which for him was unusual. He loved people, loved talking with them. Our walks in Xaxyia had became strolls due to Detrien’s nature of entertaining friends and passers-by taking precedence. “Don’t stare at them,” Detrien said. “They’re likely to rush the guards if you do.” But I could not help looking at them. The drab clothing they wore and their scrambling reminded me of rats in the streets. The stench of too many bodies in one place became overwhelming. The further in, the worse it got. The pike-men lowered their weapons as they walked beside us, making us a path. A construction I’d never seen, a wall around the palace, came into view. During my time nothing separated the people from the monarchy. While sentinels were posted, the inhabitants of the city were civil during my uncle’s time as ruler. I saw a boy of maybe fifteen years of age climb the seven-foot wall and crouch on top watching Detrien with soulful eyes. He was as filthy as the grownups but with his innocence still intact. He looked at Detrien as if he were a god. I heard someone yell for the boy to get down and from the opposite side of the wall I saw the butt end of a pike strike the boy’s head. I gasped and clutched my steed’s mane watching the boy fall and then disappear behind a crowd of people. “The boy!” “Dauphine.” Detrien clutched my hand. “Ride.” “But the boy.” Detrien shook his head. “It’s too late for him.” My heart reeled back at the malice in his voice. He blamed these people for the crimes of their regime. Perhaps my cousin burned for the destruction of the Randish more than I believed. Once past the wall, the palace was more civil. The gate locked, and I halted my steed. Turning to the soldier next to me I said, “Sir, please, a good Rantholic would check on that boy even if he deserved reprimand.” The guard turned his steely gaze to me, and we locked eyes. So now you have context. And now I will give this simple explanation. My editor said she didn't understand the meaning. But it was my crit partner that eluded to making this a word. Here's the background. Lady Dauphine is in Randish territory. The Randish are super Catholic. Like beyond Catholic's. Their lives are a "celebration" of god. There is nothing else. You don't marry your spouse, you marry god. So Rantholic is a play on Catholic. For all catholic's out there that want a piece of me, please take in mind that this world is already in place and is not mine. It's a game, that sadly, might never be. But I have the honor of telling the story of said game and so I shall keep to the confines of the game's rules. So, that's the easy explanation. Does it make sense now? Still don't get it? Wish you never heard of it? But if you're looking for more and want to read the story, don't bother looking for it on Amazon. Or Apple. Or Google play. Or anywhere. Because the only place you will find this story, and for FREE, is by joining the sweepstakes. Want more information? GO HERE or click the button below! Until next time!
Happy reading! ~ Stephy “Narcissistic, arrogant, gallish mage.” I don't ever think I'll tire of this image when I think of Bowden. Long & Lean. This also brings me to why I wrote this article. When going through my manuscript, my editor asked me "What does gallish mean?" it made me go back to the scene where Chartan was teasing Bowden. I'll expand just in case you haven't read THE KING'S THIEF in which case, get thee to THE KING'S THIEF SWEEPSTAKES right now! No, really. I mean it. We'll wait. Okay, for everyone who has read The King's Thief, here's the scene: © S.N.McKibben Excerpt from THE KING'S THIEF “Bowden…” I framed my loose curls around his face. “I promise to make up for this horrible place. You’ll come with me to Xaxyia, you’ll have the best food, wine from all trades of the globe, any woman from my stable—all of them, just stay alive.” He smiled wide, then his mirth fell. “From your stable?” “She’s guild master of the courtesans.” Chartan bent a knee and examined the mage. Bowden slid a venomous gaze to Chartan, raised his arm, and wrapped his hand around Le Beau’s neck. The mage, too weak to do any damage, barely kept his hold. Amazingly, Chartan did not try to stop him. “You let her become a courtesan?” Bowden’s fury was going to keep him alive, so I didn’t argue. “I let her choose her own destiny.” Chartan took hold of Bowden’s wrist and moved out of the mage’s grip. “When I’m stronger, we will discuss your failures later.” Bowden folded his arm over his chest. “Narcissistic, arrogant, gallish mage.” Chartan softened the words with affection. “You could have dropped in on her at any time.” “Conceited, self-important, vain thief.” A faint smile emerged from Bowden’s lips. “You were charged with protecting her.” Chartan chuckled, and Bowden listed his head to the side. Like most mages, Bowden slept with his eyes half open. Okay, so now that your memory is refreshed, and if you too were wondering what the hell did he mean by gallish? Or thought the author (me) spelled galling wrong, then you're in the right place. Let me explain. First, this is a fantasy world. Please take that in mind. Gallish is a play on galling meaning vexing. Why didn't I use vexing? Because this is a FANTASY world and in this FANTASY world there are Gauls. BEFORE you go rushing to the map of Inestra with your microscopes let me save you some time. You will not find Gaul on the map. In fact, you only get a 4th of the map in the book. I limited the map to relevant areas. Gaul was not one of them. Maybe it should be, but no. Gallish is a play on Gauls, yes, but what are Gauls? I actually don't want to say, yet. Yes, it's a cop-out but I have an idea of what they are though I'm not ready to reveal them. Perhaps in the future I will. If the book is well received, there is a story-line and a chance for more books in the Inestra world. If not, then all you need to know is that gallish means "you're standing on my last nerve". If this isn't enough of an explanation, perhaps this would be a good time to get in on the V.I.R. Lounge and send me an email. Of course if you want your own copy of THE KING'S THIEF, you can join by clicking the button below and entering in the Sweepstakes! Upon entry you will receive an email with a link to get the FREE ebook download. It's an awesome value because I am not selling the ebook anywhere. It's my exclusive gift to you. This story is special and only my best fans get to read it.
It's up to you whether you want to be a V.I.R. but you'll never know if you're missing something unless you give it (and me) a try! To my already V.I.R. ─ thank you. I hope you loved the book as much as I had fun writing it! Go ahead and get another entry by clicking the button above and ticking the "click here for another entry" so you can rack up the chances of winning! Until next time! ~ Stephy Scroll down to get this book for FREE!BlurbLady Dauphine keeps a secret that could restore her country from the clutches of Randish rule. Yet the noble woman hides under the profitable guise of her courtesan business far from home. For what can one woman do against the zealous lot of religious leaders that hold Quenarre, and all its people, hostage? Only her cousin and the man who saved her life twenty years ago know her true origins. Though not born from nobility, Chartan LeBeau commands royalty with his demeanor, subdue arguments with the language of silent intimidation, and keep the affections of the last royal descendant of the true king of Quenarre. Yet all his talents do not convince his future queen turned temptress to return with him and command an army to take back her throne. Reverting to his former station of thief, he steals Lady Dauphine and sails for the land of her birthright. But when thief and future queen learn of a court mage’s capture, he tells her to turn back while he attempts a rescue. Despite “orders” to sail back, Lady Dauphine grows into the leader Quenarre needs in order to save a dear friend thought lost to the cruel Randish Theocracy. I want you to know I'm opening this sweepstakes early for you! It gets promoted starting April 1st, 2019. So you get it before everyone else! HOW TO GET THE BOOK FREEYOU CAN NOT BUY THIS BOOK. You won't find the ebook for sale anywhere. I plan on having print copies for a sweepstakes giveaway, but this book is an exclusive S.N.McKibben story for my dedicated reader's group. You know you want to be on this author's list! Because I have things in the works coming down the pipeline. And this story is ♨ HOT! ♨ Ready for it now? Click the button below. Or maybe you want a taste? Scroll down for a snippet! © S.N.McKibbenNo part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted, with the exception of a reviewer who may quote passages in a review, without written prior permission from the publisher. THE KING'S THIEFChapter 1Seducing a man is harder than one might think. Especially if that man is Chartan LeBeau. I don’t know why the King of Thieves returned to Xaxyia after twenty years, but I recognized him the moment his doe-skin, silver-tipped boots stepped into my hall. Already he was gathering attention from my girls. Being the good courtesans that they were, each woman tried to attend him. A small sense of satisfaction rippled up my chest when he rebuffed them all and headed straight for me. I wondered if he remembered the night he whisked me away, by my uncle’s command, saving me from death. It was the last time I ever saw the King of Quenarre, my uncle. Chartan was one of two people who knew my true origins. Still, Chartan was dangerous. I stayed in my chair, frozen by the beauty of him. Long legs, a perfect bulge below his V-shaped torso, hidden behind a rogue’s cape and hood. If you looked carefully, you’d find his riches within his tailor. Clothing of soft fineness but not audacious gold. The King of Thieves flaunted nothing. Though not born from nobility, Chartan knew how to command royalty through his walk, subdue arguments with the language of silent intimidation, and keep my affections, though I hadn’t seen him for two decades. Wooing a master seducer such as myself was not easy. He should have been a military commander, but for one reason or another he chose to remain a thief. A thief that caught the eye of a king…and me, a former Quenarre noblewoman. I smiled to calm the flutter in my heart and stood to greet him. Perhaps he would not know me after all this time, but even if he suspected, I would not give my identity away easily. I knew the art of pretense now. “Dear Sir, thank you for coming to Courtesan’s guild. How can we pleasure you?” His eyes were hidden but his lips curved down slightly at my informal greeting. Coming to a full halt he bowed. Then his smooth accent had my thighs clench together. “Lady Dauphine, may we speak in private?” My stomach detached from my belly and came rushing to my throat. But my smile grew wider, hard as it was to keep it. “I’m sorry my dear, but I don’t entertain new customers.” Chartan scanned the room. “I have something of import to discuss with you, I’m not interested in your services.” I laughed. “That’s the tactic you wish to take. I assure you we are all discreet here. Perhaps you would like to speak to Lady Glen?” He’d better not. Straining to keep from shaking I pointed to Lady Glen as she passed by. Hearing her name she immediately came over. Chartan waved her away. “No, this is for you only.” “Oh, I bet it is.” I sat, showing I was not some pithy girl to shove around. He stepped closer to me, leaned down to my ear and whispered. “I know who you are Lady Dauphine of Quenarre, noble princess of the house Rouelle. I escorted you to safety here before the overtaking of our King. Do not chuff me off.” It was not the first time I’d been threatened, nor would it be the last. But I was the ultimate impendent. He would not get away with blackmail. Nor would he see me panic. I kept my heart slow and retorted, “Then you will expose yourself.” He stood and chuckled. My nose flared and I looked up at him. His waist was at the perfect height to unbutton his pants and bring him to his knees, the way a woman who knows what she’s doing can. Our eyes locked and damn if I was going to give in to him. That infuriating half quirk of a smile. That arrogance. His scent beating at my control. A pouch appeared in his hand and he let the contents clink before he placed the money bag between my cleavage. “That should be sufficient to avoid unpleasant speculation.” He stepped back and motioned his hand to indicate he would follow. I was not a horse to lead. Nor a slave to his whims. But, the side of me that wanted him in my bed snuck reason and excuses to take him to my chambers. Really, what choice did I have with what he threatened? If I refused he’d call attention to my Roullean heritage. It wouldn’t take too much time for the rumors to fly across the land to The Randish pope. My fate would be sealed. I’d probably be dead in a matter of weeks. Painting on my nonchalant smile, I played demure host and did as he bade. Passing my guards, I gave them the signal to interrupt us in two minutes. Luca nodded. My personal guard was more than a brute. He understood. Down the corridor, Chartan’s smooth voice resumed battering against the stronghold of my heart. “How much time do I have before your guards crash it?” I turned up the spiral stairs and said nothing. “I’m guessing a few minutes,” he said. “No matter. You’ll hear what I have to say.” I wanted to grit my teeth. Damn thief. We crossed the hallway where several of my girls were hard at work pleasuring their clients. I couldn’t pass a door without hearing the particulars of a client’s needs. The sound of a slap on flesh halted my motion. I listened at the door where it came from. If a man was being too harsh with any of my women I wouldn’t have him back. Another slap. My hand rested on the door knob. “You like that, hun? You like being ruffed up?” The woman’s muffled voice belonged to Lady Andrea. “Yes.” Responded a breathy male voice. “Please, again.” Slap. Apparently, Duke Undore found his pleasure from women giving him pain. Good to know. I smiled, backed away and continued down the corridor. Chartan waited for me with piercing eyes. Taking the stairs to the second floor, I turned into the hallway and reached under my sleeve. “Stop.” Chartan halted me. “You’ve been a larcenist too long, LeBeau.” I continued to door number twelve. This was where I played with clients and teased secrets from their souls. I pulled out the iron key to my door and showed him. “I hope you hold no dangerous value in a chunk of metal.” “Chucks of metal, as you say, have killed men before.” Chartan took the key and inserted it into the lock. He opened the door and stepped back. Trying to go forward Chartan threw his arm out and waggled a finger at me. His touch was my exquisite pleasure. A genuine smile parted my lips. He took me seriously. I crossed my arms and pursed my lips in defiance. Chartan took the key and inserted it into the lock. He opened the door and stepped back. “Not yet my courtesan.” The smile didn’t reach his eyes. Heart tearing itself apart knowing what I had to do, my inner most desire pleaded with me to take him to my bosom and show him he did not need all these precautions, not with me. But it would be a lie. I would go to any length to protect my identity. If I was pointed out as a Rouellean it wouldn’t be long before the Theocracy of the Randish would spill my blood. Chartan freed a dagger from inside his cape and pushed the door wide open with the tip. He looked inside, up then down and finally through the crack of the door. I sighed in feigned disgust but he had every right to be suspicious. “Have a lot of enemies?” I said. He went inside, quiet as a stalking cat, and swept the room. While he was preoccupied with his security check I closed the door—slowly. Reaching under my sleeves, I grabbed my throwing sticks, one for each hand. Thin, with three edges, shaped almost like a dowel I positioned to turn and deploy. My movement swift, my aim true I lopped the weapons at Chartan’s heart. The thief deflected one and caught the other. Then slammed me against the wall. The point of my own dagger scrapping against my chin. Despite my attempt to kill him, Chartan’s smile was hearty and his eyes sparkled to life. “My King was right.” “About what?” “You are truly the right choice.” “For what?” “To regain the crown and return Quenarre to it’s glory.” His words stung. Quenarre. My beloved home. The land that stole my life. “I’ll never return to that place.” “You will return and you will rule.” My guards pounded the door open and rushed in. Chartan flew backwards, hopped in the air, and folded himself forward while sailing through the open window—backward. His flight took a blink of an eye and then he was gone before the guards were down the hall. My personal security, Luca, eyed me up and down, checking for any harm that may have come to me. “My Lady?” “I’m fine.” “We’ll chase after him.” Luca peered out the window. “Don’t contemplate jumping after LeBeau.” If Luca did catch up to Chartan I’d lose a guard. “Besides, he paid for my time.” I reached for the bag of coin Chartan lusciously shoved down my corset. It wasn’t there. I reached further in. Nothing. The money was gone. My blood boiled. “Chartan!” I slammed the window. LeBeau was a mile away by now but his chuckle rang in my ears. He would not win. I would never go back to Quenarre. As for his blackmail threat… if he wanted to fight in the game of espionage, he’d found a formidable opponent. P.S. You'll be entered in a sweepstakes drawing AND get a #free ebook. Bonus! Details will be revealed once you enter the V.I.R. Lounge.
This image, by far was the favorite by you guys of Cynthia's illustrations for THE KING'S THIEF. And while I thought about using it for the cover, I feel this story needs something comparable to the market in its genre. So... I have THREE favorites that I'm trying to choose from. But there's an issue... We have a time limit! I'll post the winner here when the poll is complete, but I need for you to give me your votes ASAP! We have until the end of SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2nd, 2019. YES! I KNOW! It's not a lot of time. That's why this call to arms is so urgent! Get me your input NOW! It will take no more than three minutes, tops. Then, if you want to review the story (unedited) then click "The King's Thief" in the categories on the right → → → → → → OR scroll down below for the first chapter as I've revised it. Take a look at the covers below then scroll down to VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! Click on the cover for a larger image. Thank you so much for your participation! Below is the revised first chapter. I still haven't gotten it to a copy editor so you might find spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, but let me know in the comments and I'll fix it in the final manuscript. THANK YOU! Happy reading! ~ Stephy Seducing a man is harder than one might think. Especially if that man is Chartan LeBeau.
I don’t know why the King of Thieves returned to Xaxyia after twenty years, but I recognized him the moment his doe-skin, silver-tipped boots stepped into my hall. Already he was gathering attention from my girls. Being the good courtesans that they were, each woman tried to attend him. A small sense of satisfaction rippled up my chest when he rebuffed them all and headed straight for me. I wondered if he remembered the night he whisked me away, by my uncle’s command, saving me from death. It was the last time I ever saw the King of Quenarre, my uncle. Chartan was one of two people who knew my true origins. Still, Chartan was dangerous. I stayed in my chair, frozen by the beauty of him. Long legs, a perfect bulge below his V-shaped torso, hidden behind a rogue’s cape and hood. If you looked carefully, you’d find his riches within his tailor. Clothing of soft fineness but not audacious gold. The King of Thieves flaunted nothing. Though not born from nobility, Chartan knew how to command royalty through his walk, subdue arguments with the language of silent intimidation, and keep my affections, though I hadn’t seen him for two decades. Wooing a master seducer such as myself was not easy. He should have been a military commander, but for one reason or another he chose to remain a thief. A thief that caught the eye of a king…and me, a former Quenarre noblewoman. I smiled to calm the flutter in my heart and stood to greet him. Perhaps he would not know me after all this time, but even if he suspected, I would not give my identity away easily. I knew the art of pretense now. “Dear Sir, thank you for coming to Courtesan’s guild. How can we pleasure you?” His eyes were hidden but his lips curved down slightly at my informal greeting. Coming to a full halt he bowed. Then his smooth accent had my thighs clench together. “Lady Dauphine, may we speak in private?” My stomach detached from my belly and came rushing to my throat. But my smile grew wider, hard as it was to keep it. “I’m sorry my dear, but I don’t entertain new customers.” Chartan scanned the room. “I have something of import to discuss with you, I’m not interested in your services.” I laughed. “That’s the tactic you wish to take. I assure you we are all discreet here. Perhaps you would like to speak to Lady Glen?” He’d better not. Straining to keep from shaking I pointed to Lady Glen as she passed by. Hearing her name she immediately came over. Chartan waved her away. “No, this is for you only.” “Oh, I bet it is.” I sat, showing I was not some pithy girl to shove around. He stepped closer to me, leaned down to my ear and whispered. “I know who you are Lady Dauphine of Quenarre, noble princess of the house Rouelle. I escorted you to safety here before the overtaking of our King. Do not chuff me off.” It was not the first time I’d been threatened, nor would it be the last. But I was the ultimate impendent. He would not get away with blackmail. Nor would he see me panic. I kept my heart slow and retorted, “Then you will expose yourself.” He stood and chuckled. My nose flared and I looked up at him. His waist was at the perfect height to unbutton his pants and bring him to his knees, the way a woman who knows what she’s doing can. Our eyes locked and damn if I was going to give in to him. That infuriating half quirk of a smile. That arrogance. His scent beating at my control. A pouch appeared in his hand and he let the contents clink before he placed the money bag between my cleavage. “That should be sufficient to avoid unpleasant speculation.” He stepped back and motioned his hand to indicate he would follow. I was not a horse to lead. Nor a slave to his whims. But, the side of me that wanted him in my bed snuck reason and excuses to take him to my chambers. Really, what choice did I have with what he threatened? If I refused he’d call attention to my Roullean heritage. It wouldn’t take too much time for the rumors to fly across the land to The Randish pope. My fate would be sealed. I’d probably be dead in a matter of weeks. Painting on my nonchalant smile, I played demure host and did as he bade. Passing my guards, I gave them the signal to interrupt us in two minutes. Luca nodded. My personal guard was more than a brute. He understood. Down the corridor, Chartan’s smooth voice resumed battering against the stronghold of my heart. “How much time do I have before your guards crash it?” I turned up the spiral stairs and said nothing. “I’m guessing a few minutes,” he said. “No matter. You’ll hear what I have to say.” I wanted to grit my teeth. Damn thief. We crossed the hallway where several of my girls were hard at work pleasuring their clients. You couldn’t pass a door without hearing the particulars of a client’s needs. The sound of a slap on flesh halted my motion. I listened at the door where it came from. If a man was being too harsh with any of my women I wouldn’t have him back. Another slap. My hand rested on the door knob. “You like that, hun? You like being ruffed up?” The woman’s muffled voice belonged to Lady Andrea. “Yes.” Responded a breathy male voice. “Please, again.” Slap. Apparently, Duke Undore found his pleasure from women giving him pain. Good to know. I smiled, backed away and continued down the corridor. Chartan waited for me with piercing eyes. Taking the stairs to the second floor, I turned into the hallway and reached under my sleeve. “Stop.” Chartan halted me. “You’ve been a larcenist too long, LeBeau.” I continued to door number twelve. This was where I played with clients and teased secrets from their souls. I pulled out the iron key to my door and showed him. “I hope you hold no dangerous value in a chunk of metal.” “Chucks of metal, as you say, have killed men before.” Chartan took the key and inserted it into the lock. He opened the door and stepped back. Trying to go forward Chartan threw his arm out and waggled a finger at me. His touch was my exquisite pleasure. A genuine smile parted my lips. He took me seriously. I crossed my arms and pursed my lips in defiance. Chartan took the key and inserted it into the lock. He opened the door and stepped back. “Not yet my courtesan.” The smile didn’t reach his eyes. Heart tearing itself apart knowing what I had to do, my inner most desire pleaded with me to take him to my bosom and show him he did not need all these precautions, not with me. But it would be a lie. I would go to any length to protect my identity. If I was pointed out as a Rouellean it wouldn’t be long before the Theocracy of the Randish would spill my blood. Chartan freed a dagger from inside his cape and pushed the door wide open with the tip. He looked inside, up then down and finally through the crack of the door. I sighed in feigned disgust but he had every right to be suspicious. “Have a lot of enemies?” I said. He went inside, quiet as a stalking cat, and swept the room. While he was preoccupied with his security check I closed the door—slowly. Reaching under my sleeves, I grabbed my throwing sticks, one for each hand. Thin, with three edges, shaped almost like a dowel I positioned to turn and deploy. My movement swift, my aim true I lopped the weapons at Chartan’s heart. The thief deflected one and caught the other. Then slammed me against the wall. The point of my own dagger scrapping against my chin. Despite my attempt to kill him, Chartan’s smile was hearty and his eyes sparkled to life. “My King was right.” “About what?” “You are truly the right choice.” “For what?” “To regain the crown and return Quenarre to it’s glory.” His words stung. Quenarre. My beloved home. The land that stole my life. “I’ll never return to that place.” “You will return and you will rule.” My guards pounded the door open and rushed in. Chartan flew backwards, hopped in the air, and folded himself forward while sailing through the open window—backward. His flight took a blink of an eye and then he was gone before the guards were down the hall. My personal security, Luca, eyed me up and down, checking for any harm that may have come to me. “My Lady?” “I’m fine.” “We’ll chase after him.” Luca peered out the window. “Don’t contemplate jumping after LeBeau.” If Luca did catch up to Chartan I’d lose a guard. “Besides, he paid for my time.” I reached for the bag of coin Chartan lusciously shoved down my corset. It wasn’t there. I reached further in. Nothing. The money was gone. My blood boiled. “Chartan!” I slammed the window. LeBeau was a mile away by now but his chuckle rang in my ears. He would not win. I would never go back to Quenarre. As for his blackmail threat… if he wanted to fight in the game of espionage, he’d found a formidable opponent. Sorry, |
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