**Award Winning** CGI Animated Short Film: "Crow: The Legend" by Baobab StudiosBlurbThe Legend is an exciting new animated short movie starring John Legend as Crow, the most popular and admired animal in the forest with his magnificent colors and beautiful voice. But when the very first winter arrives, can Crow make the ultimate sacrifice to save his friends? Inspired by the original Native American legend, this story of sacrifice and community features Randy Edmonds, Kiowa-Caddo tribal elder and founder of the National Urban Indian Council as Narrator and Sarah Eagle Heart, CEO of Native Americans in Philanthropy, as Luna. Starring John Legend, Oprah Winfrey, Constance Wu (Crazy Rich Asians), Tye Sheridan (Ready Player One), Diego Luna (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Narcos: Mexico), and Liza Koshy. Created by the director of Madagascar and the Emmy-winning animated films Invasion! and Asteroids!. Executive produced by Baobab Studios, Get Lifted, and Native Americans in Philanthropy. ReviewShort. Simple. Enjoyable. This is about sacrifice but it has a Happy Ever After so don't think this is a glum story. You'll recognize the voices, and the song is an ear-worm so be prepared to think about this short for a long time. :) The art is beautiful. The story has a moral lesson for children. And getting to hear and see an American Indian folklore is inspiring. I Would Recommend this to Fans of:Children's Stories
Native American Folklore Beast Fables Comments are closed.
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