I had the honor of joining a class under the direction of inspirational writer ULRIKE. The topic was overcoming FEAR. While I have traveled to the gates of hell and have come back, I know a bit about fear. But what I learned from this class is what fear really is. fear fi(ə)r/noun noun: fear; plural noun: fears1. an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. notice how it says belief. I like what Will Smith said in After Earth: 'Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice.' Yes. What he said. Which is why fear and me--we're friends--imaginary friends, but still... F - False E - Events A - Appearing R - Real Emotional anxiety relates to future events - that is fear. Future events are mostly out of your control. In this class we were asked to write a letter to our fear. Here is what I wrote: Dear Fear, I'm so glad we are friends. All those things you bring up whether valid or not really help me to focus on what's worthy of my thoughts. I can be wreckless, so thank you for having my back making sure we don't drive off a cliff and die. But, even if we do, I know you'll be the one telling me "I told you so" and I love you for that. Love, Stephy And then Fear wrote back: Dear Stephy, I'm glad we're friends too but sometimes I feel you don't really listen. I mean, who fly's out of a perfectly good airplane or trusts alloy and plastic to go gliding--seriously? WTF? I will tell you "I told you so" - but really I've been waiting forty years to say that, so I guess you haven't steered us wrong--yet. I still love you and want the best for you. Love, Fear It was a good class and a good day. I'll hold it with me always. Comments are closed.
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