Moon BloodThe First Blood Son (Book 4) Carol McKibben BlurbDevastating Evil Seeks to Control Kane and his Vampire Progeny. Two strangers upset the balance of life for Kane and his companion protector, Moon Blood. Both offer kindness, but the nature of one is a mystery. The other’s interest in Kane’s lover, Zandra, is met with vampire rage. Endless attacks from the undead force Kane, Snow, Zandra and her ten, hybrid vampire Lycan brothers to go into battle once again. This time, a magical friend joins to help defend them with the stated purpose of protecting Moon. Ultimately, the most devastating evil of all time seeks to control Kane and his vampire nation, while Moon Blood falls under the spell of a mysterious warrior wolf. As Kane faces the loss of his own existence and all he holds dear, only a Biblical wager and Moon’s self-proclaimed protector may be all that stands to prevent total annihilation of the vampire race. Inside ScoopThis is the second to last book in the Moon Blood series! Carol has not confirmed nor denied a follow-up series of the vampire saga! Though she has countless characters that could branch off into their own series. My ReviewChapter 1 was tense at first. Ha-ha! Chapter 1... at first! Get it? Get it? Yeah, I know. I'm not that funny. But I was laughing by the end of the first chapter. Like all the other books, you don't have much time to rest. *BE PREPARED FOR SPOILERS BELOW* All the characters majorly grow in book 4. I've noticed Kane growing into and becoming much more like Brogio. It could be the weight of having all the coven in his head. It could be the responsibility but by the end, there's nothing left of the carefree vampire we saw in Snow Blood. He's grow up. A surprising revelation about James abound in this book too. While Zandra and her brothers try to cope with what they've become, we get to see a vulnerable side to her crew. I don't know how the next book will heighten the stakes, but I know we're in for a final terrific ride! I Would Recommend this book to Fans of:Vampires Wolves Wolf packs Hybrid Vampires Vampire Origin Stories Mythology Twists on Biblical Stories ExcerptMy hackles rose. Adrenalin coursed through every fiber of my being. My paws unconsciously propelled me backward. Samil, or Satan in wolf form, faced me. His shaggy black hair did little to hide his immense size. His golden eyes held no aggression, and his expression projected kindness, not threat. Wait… golden eyes, not glowing green ones. Was this not the demon but another similar wolf? Relax, Moon. I mean you no harm. His deep voice with its rough edges invaded my mind and tried to soothe, but I trusted no outsider, especially one who could communicate telepathically with me. No good could come from him. I snarled and leaped. Before I could reach him, he disappeared. I landed on the loose pile of logs upon which he had been perched. They scattered and flipped around me, and I stumbled and planted face-first in the dirt. Springing up, I swirled to find him sitting in a nonchalant manner on a nearby boulder. No need for that, Moon. I am no longer possessed by Samil. What do you mean? Who are you if not the Satan wolf that aided Lilith in trying to harm my family and me? He set a tentative paw on the ground, then another. He moved with caution. His sorrowful eyes never left mine as he sat in front of the large rock. The angels, Seth and Mathias, released Samil’s hold on me when the demons attacked you and your sire, Kane, his mate, Zandra, and the Shadowhunter, Magnum, at the entrance of the Nephilim’s city. My tense body relaxed a little, and I searched the wolf’s golden eyes. Who are you, then? I am Enzo, short for Lorenzo. Samil possessed me a few days before I first met you and your kind at the Lucca Summer Festival. I snorted. Why should I believe you? Enzo started to stand but tensed, and then crouched. I took a few steps backward to ensure good traction as I met his attack. Before I could, he flew over my head. I swirled in time to see him take down a creature that could only be described as all bones, spikes, and teeth. Shock surged through me that I hadn’t felt it approach. Enzo crushed the hideous apparition to the ground so hard that I would have thought the skeleton-like creature would have broken into a million pieces. Alas, it sprang up and slashed with razor-sharp claws at the black wolf. Enzo deftly dodged, swerved, leaped, and sidestepped each attempt. I backed away and marveled at this magnificent wolf’s almost magical ability to evade. The attacking creature rattled as it began to grow larger. Additional sharp spikes emerged from each connecting bone joint of its structure. It swept a leg under Enzo’s body and tried to hook his underbelly. Enzo sprang straight up and did a somersault over the creature’s head and landed easily behind it. The skeleton whirled around and went in for Enzo’s jugular vein. The wolf swerved and grabbed the monster by its boney throat with his sharp fangs and ripped its head from its body. Several of the skeleton’s sharp spikes cut into Enzo’s shoulders as he severed its spinal bones from its hip area. The skeleton remained silent, no cries of agony, as Enzo pulled off each of its appendages one by one. The wolf then devoured every bone as he scooted from one piece to the next, cracking, crunching, and chewing. I sat down in disbelief. I’d faced evil and trickery from those who would stop at nothing to destroy me and my family. But it was hard to deny—Enzo had saved me. He took his time, almost like a human enjoying a gourmet meal. What was that? Enzo crunched down hard on a bone, snapped it in half with his powerful jaws, and chewed it thoroughly before swallowing. Evil sent to harm you. His actions mystified me. I took a step back. Why are you eating it? He snorted after finishing off the other half of a large leg bone. So it won’t reanimate. It can come back after being torn to shreds? The black wolf ignored my question, picked up the bones of a hand, and demolished it. Then, he licked his chops and looked me in the eyes. Probably. Didn’t want to take any chances. He turned back to the remaining bones and worked steadily on them. This went on for the time it would have taken me to lope around the perimeter of Kane’s massive estate. I sat fascinated and wordless as I watched him. After finishing his kill, Enzo licked his chops and sat back on his haunches. Looks like they sent something that your poisonous venom couldn’t affect. They? I’m afraid more evil awaits you and your kind, Moon. What is coming? I stood in anticipation of his words. When I was possessed… perhaps a better word is “enslaved” by Samil, I shared the demon’s thoughts. However, he was able to mask his future intent from me. All I can say is that I know more evil awaits all of you. He stood and moved cautiously toward me. I took a step back. Why are you here? He took another step forward. To protect you. Why do you care? I backed up even more. Why would you protect me? The wolf cocked his dark head from side to side like an inquisitive pup. Can you not see the good in me? I gave him a slight nod. I could see good and evil fighting inside you when you were part of Samil. He took a step closer. Did you not feel the connection between us, even when Samil possessed me? Can you not feel it now? I steadied myself. This Enzo unnerved me. I felt attraction to him, and its allure captivated and repulsed me at the same time. Yes. I feel it. Buy LinksAuthor BioCarol's love of animals, especially dogs and horses, is obvious in everything she writes. When Carol isn’t feeding her horde of canine rescues, she’s out riding her beloved Friesian on the plains of Texas. Her love of animals leads her to write through a dog's eyes. Carol’s message is clear. "If a dog can love us unconditionally, why can't we do the same with each other?" And, her paranormal stories are often filled with characters that might be the most difficult to love. Carol's writing career began at 14 years of age when she started telling her stories to Labrador Retrievers, Basset Hounds, and any stray that happened by. It wasn't long before people stopped to have a listen as well. Now, Carol writes for people and speaks to large audiences, dogs included. Contact Carol at or join her at FIND CAROL ON SOCIAL MEDIA:
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