MuneTHE GUARDIAN OF THE MOON BlurbNOTE: I've combined a few synopsis together to give you a better idea of the story-line. When an evil magma demon and his minions steals the sun of a magical world, the new guardians of both the sun and the moon must embark on a quest to retrieve it and save their world from disaster as the moon faces destruction as well. As legend has it, the first Guardian of the Sun threw a harpoon into the cosmos and roped the sun to bring light and warmth to all of humanity. Then the Guardian of the Moon lured the moon to the Land of Darkness to provide a balance to the sun and supply the world with dreams. At a momentous ceremony to appoint the two new guardians, the heir apparent is passed over, and the title Guardian of the Moon is bestowed on the waif-like Mune, a small and frightened forest faun who seems wholly unprepared to take on such a weighty responsibility. This news excites Necross, the nefarious ruler of the Underworld, a corrupted ex-guardian who decides to take advantage of Mune's weakness and steal back the sun for himself. Now it is up to unlikely hero Mune and his friend Glim - a headstrong young girl with wax for skin - to save the sun and restore order to the world. Main Characters
Supporting Characters
AntagonistAntagonist MinionsReviewMune was a film that took me a good fifteen minutes to adjust to the animation. The story was one either made up or that I'm not familiar with but I loved the concept. The creativity within this project needs a huge applause. The voices were perfect. I enjoyed each and every scene. I can't say enough about the imagination that went into this story. While it took me a while to realize Mune was a faun, I noticed the resemblance Sohone had to a lion straight away. Temples pulling the sun and moon were a new and fascinating concept for me. What threw me off further was the inanimate objects being sentient such as Glimer (Glim), who was made of candle wax, but she seemed to be the oddball. Most other creatures were representatives of real animals. But they were drawn more like people. Drawing animals as people is tight. Each new scene brought with it a whimsical, fantastical world I will enjoy again and again. It felt new while also being the typical hero's journey. I fell into the world, the characters and the second time around I might be able to see more than just wondering what Glim was supposed to be. It took me a bit of watching until I finally "got" that she was a candle despite the obvious implications at the beginning of the movie. It was both a ahhh... duh... moment. Thankfully the awesome overshadowed my perplexity. In the end it gave a happy ending kiss that didn't seem all that necessary but sweet. After searching the internet for images, I know fujoshi fan's went in their own direction despite the implication of Glim and Mune coming together at the end. (No pun inteded) :) Boys love forever! Sohone ♥ Mune. I would like to add that the voices for the characters were superbly done. This feature was a surprise for me and I really enjoyed the story line. Unique. Bold. Refreshing. Something you won't find elsewhere. If you get the chance, and you like animation, this is a must see for at least the world development ideas it presents. I Would Recommend to Fans of:Mythology (even though it has myths unto itself and not related to any culture that I can tell) Animation Animorph Stories Unique Worlds To see more reviews, click on "Review" under Categories in the side bar.
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