During my daily walk with Emma (my GSD you see in the picture) I stopped before natures resemblance of how I felt at the time. It inspired the audio "note" you can hear above.
While on our exercise and flower picture run we came across this "moss" with beautiful white flowers. The "grass" or whatever it was, spread from the wild and trampled the well-worn path--not to follow the path, but acted as if the path were an obstacle to the other side. It spilled from one side of the wild across the the path and into the other side. This moss with the white flowers acted as if it was a train that nothing could stop. Funny how something that grows can be attributed to a fast moving vehicle. But that moss was a vehicle. Emma and I tread on that moss everyday and it never effects the flowers or the grass. I feel as though my path is something that skims the road but still reaches for the unknown and ventures into the wild. Just as the path looks well defined in the picture, you'll notice if you look closely that path was created by Emma and I. This is not a "choose the path less traveled" speech. This is a follow your path. Who the hell cares if it's worn or wild or if you have to bring a machete or walking cane. My path is less traveled. Perhaps I wish it weren't. And if you do choose that path that gets fox tails in your dogs fur and brambles in your socks -- well, you know where the road is but I won't be on it. Comments are closed.
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