![]() This post is going to require some background, so... I'm helping to edit a non-fiction book called "Forever...and 365 Days". It's a spiritual, inspiration, metaphysical type book. I'll say that I'm skeptical, but believe certain things and here is something I just had to share. After reading about half of "Forever..." I've determined ~ in a nutshell ~ this is why we are here: Earth-the correction facility for balanced thinking. Here's where I go off the rails and tell you I believe our thoughts have the power to create dis-ease within our bodies. (Yep, bail out here if you're just not into it) We also have the power to heal with thought thus--why you hear about prayer groups concentrating on a sick patient and 15 minutes later they are healed from terminal cancer. Why else do people ask "to send your prayers..." With me so far? Okay! You're my type of crowd :) So, anyway, thoughts heal. Also, you'll need to believe or accept the theory of reincarnation. We die and come back, die and come back until we reach some higher goal or state of being. Got it? Okay. Now I've come to notice that for any society there are normal, good people and people we put in jail because they just can't mingle with everyone else, have bad tempers aka the 10% that can't deal with societies rules. Well, here's my added theory about why we are here, Karma and balanced thinking: We are gathered energy that can't jive with the "right thinking" of the rest of the universe and we are sent to earth, put in bodies that will help us balance our thinking (because when you think positive thoughts you heal and negative thoughts cause dis-ease) and therefore rehabilitate the soul to come back to the universe and be in perfect harmony with everything. Ta-da! Thus~Earth, the correction facility for balanced thinking. And, I'll be expecting the paddy wagon in 1/2 hour. But seriously, this book has gotten me to think about the reason why we are here. The "what should I do with my life?" question. I've found and am doing what I want to do but I find it interesting how "Forever..." focuses me on how to further my writing, my publishing, and my marketing. The book will be out late January, 2014 and I would recommend it for those who seek the truth to the question: Why am I here? Comments are closed.
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