The most disgusting story ever is about to be unleashed. I tried to stab this story to death. I left it in a drawer for weeks. I ignored it. Threw it. Choked it. Strung it up to dry in the backyard to forget about it. But it never let me go.
I wasn't allowed to forget this story. Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? It was like that. It still nags at me. I just couldn't let it go. I'm not a writer that has to publish every single story I write. this one was going to be one in that pile. But it wouldn't. It's not that I'm ashamed of it. Actually, I'm very proud I made a hard core/fluid heavy sludge licking erotica writer gag. That's a testament to how bad this story is. I encourage you to NOT buy it. I'm warning you. When this thing goes out--skip it. This is not things to come, but things that I needed out of my head.
So why did I release it?
Because I had this thought about blood drinkers and why they always had to go for the throat. I mean, there are nasty guys out there that do some fairly nasty sexual things, why aren't there vampires/demons/blood suckers that are a bit under the bar, quality wise? Yeah, drinking rats is fairly disgusting, but is there an in-between? So this was the story where I explored that "in-between" place. Even though this isn't a horror, there still is a massacre at the Y. So please, I invite you to look at some of my other titles. Lady Alene and the Widower, But For You - Yes, Cougar Bait in the Coffee Shop. Any one of those will due. Let's pretend this one is just kinna -- out there -- and ignore it! I don't want hate mail! Or hate male. Comments are closed.
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