The disappearance of rich-girl-turned-political-activist Julie Mao links the lives of Ceres detective Joe Miller (Thomas Jane), accidental ship captain James Holden (Steven Strait) and U.N. politician Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo). Amidst political tension between Earth, Mars and the Belt, they unravel the single greatest conspiracy of all time. If you haven't watched The Expanse, then we can't be friends. Okay, that's harsh, but this show has become one of the fundamentals of Sci-Fy that any who call them a fan of the genre need to at least watch it. Encountering aliens isn't new. In fact, I'd say it's an important part of many Sci-Fy plots and The Expanse is no different. But the realism of this show is scary. How people adapt, how people differentiate others of even their own kind, reflects the strong value of this series. Belters vs. Inners shows the relationship between poor vs. rich. But it's the many layers of each character and what they represent that makes me and others love this show so much. We root for Holden, the unlikely ship captain. We root for the underdog, corrupt cop in love. We root for the politician who wants to get to the truth even as she pulls her capitol strings. We cheer for the space marine with an altruistic goal. We go absolutely ballistic in joy when the underdog, cast-aside pilot saves his crew against all odds. We hold our breath and pray for the gunner finding his way from right and wrong. We listen to a mechanic's moral arguments. Love them. Hate them. But they won't be forgotten. How can they when each is the flag ship of a moral dilemma. A contrast of ethics. Of course there are ships in this world and I root for many of them. These hunks of metal have a personality along with a crew.
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